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LCD display issue

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:11 am
by jgriffin

I am having trouble displaying to the LCD. I have done this many times before without issue but it now does not work. I have upgraded to another version of Flowcode.

The program has two blocks. START macro and PrintASCII macro. Everything is configured ok, power applied, contrast ok, connected to correct port etc. The simulation works fine but nothing on download to the board.

However, I sent the program to a friend and it works fine, without any changes, on his hardware.

My Flowcode versions is v3.2.2.40 with a LCD version of 1.5. His Flowcode version si v3.2.1.38 with LCD version 1.4.

Any ideas?



Re: LCD display issue

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:11 pm
by Sean
Just to confirm that all the hardware and software configuration settings are correct, could you cause the program to perform some additional operations to confirm that it is running (i.e. flash an LED at a measurable frequency).

If you want other people to test an exact copy of your program, independent of individual Flowcode versions, you can send them the .hex file generated by Flowcode. This can be used to program other devices by using the Flowcode PPP programing utility directly, avoiding the possibility of changes during re-compilation.

Re: LCD display issue

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:22 am
by Steve
Another thing to try is to post your Flowcode program (FCF file) and the generated C file here. A quick way for us to test problems like these is to compile the Flowcode program here and to do a file-compare with your C file to highlight any differences.

Re: LCD display issue

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:54 pm
by jgriffin
Thnaks guys,

But, why does the SAME program work on one set of Eblocks but not another?

Re: LCD display issue

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:43 pm
by goldwingers
How strange this is, I have recently upgraded to the latest version of flowcode and on a program of my own with the LCD display on port B of an 16F877 it died to nothing. I then tried the same program on a 16F88 and it did the same thing, I thought i was blowing ports up. I have since tried it on an 16F873 and it works fine?.


Re: LCD display issue

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:19 pm
by Steve
Ian / Jack,

Please post some example FCF and C files that don't work and we'll have a look at them. Or contact me directly if you don't want to make your files public.