Search found 36 matches

by CamargoF
Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:01 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Migration from PIC16F18345 to PIC16F18444
Replies: 4
Views: 20650

Migration from PIC16F18345 to PIC16F18444

I need to migrate a firmware from PIC16F18345 to PIC16F18444, due to the lack of devices on the market. I set the new device and I did not make any change in the block code. The compilation fails, as described below. I believe there is some error in the implementation of the PIC16F18444 code. I am r...
by CamargoF
Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:13 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Missing PIC
Replies: 0
Views: 86027

Missing PIC

I have to update many products due to the lake of PIC models in the market. I am trying to use new models or recommendation from Microchip, but the Flowcode (v8.2.2.15 Professional Version) does not have it as component option: PIC16F15243, PIC16F15244, PIC16F18146 e PIC16F17146. PIC18F14Q41, PIC16F...
by CamargoF
Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:15 am
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Change I2C slave address on runtime
Replies: 0
Views: 86187

Change I2C slave address on runtime

I would like to set the address of the I2C slave on runtime, to avoid conflict with multiple MCUs. The I2C initialize funcion used to have two parameter (address and mask) that disapear on FC8. a SetMask() and SefAddress() is necessary. Mean while, I would like to know if there is any way to change ...
by CamargoF
Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:10 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: I2C master and slave do not allow SDA/SCL setting
Replies: 1
Views: 3817

I2C master and slave do not allow SDA/SCL setting

If you add the I2C master or slave, it is not possible to change the SDA/SCL pins and the compilation fails since there is no SCL pin declared.

MCU: PIC16818325
by CamargoF
Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:43 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: No support to PIC16F52xx
Replies: 1
Views: 2703

No support to PIC16F52xx

It is not possible to select the PIC16F15225, that I need for a project.
Can you please fix it?

by CamargoF
Thu May 06, 2021 9:29 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions
Replies: 2
Views: 5618

Re: warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions

PROBLEM FIXED! :D :D :D :D REASON: PIC is not fast enough to work with asynchronous LED stream. It is not feasible to generate NRZ 400x800ns running on 32MHz = 125ns instruction cycle. I tried to use the SPI to generate the NRZ, converting 1 byte in 10 bytes with NRZ bitmap, but it does not work sin...
by CamargoF
Tue May 04, 2021 1:52 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions
Replies: 2
Views: 5618

Re: warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions

I am still waiting for some reply.

The hardware test had to be postponed since with the PIC16F18855 cannot be programmed using PICkit3 .
I received the PICkit4 last Friday, but the LED strip does not work. Runs fine on simulation only.
by CamargoF
Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:41 pm
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Improvements for RS232 serial component
Replies: 1
Views: 4949

Improvements for RS232 serial component

To check if there is any data RS232 serial buffer it must be read, returning 0xFF when there is no data. This 0xFF impact on USART console data, making it impossible to use. To improve the usage of the UART component, I would like to propose an approach similar to Arduino, where a FIFO (size defined...
by CamargoF
Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:24 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Can V8 simulate RXINT?
Replies: 1
Views: 2391

Can V8 simulate RXINT?

I am working with PIC16F18855 on Flowcode 8, but the RXINT is not working. I ca read the serial port in main loop, using injector data, but the interrupt never happen. I found a similar problem on V6 ( ), but I was not able to find any confirm...
by CamargoF
Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:36 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Decision ignores calculation text length
Replies: 1
Views: 2133

Decision ignores calculation text length

I am using flowcode 8 and I observed the decision box is ignoring the calculation box text length.
This problem does not occurs with other box than calculation.
FlowcodeDecisionMissTextSize.jpg (8.84 KiB) Viewed 2133 times
by CamargoF
Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:16 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Interrupt using the zero-cross on PIC16F18855
Replies: 0
Views: 87967

Interrupt using the zero-cross on PIC16F18855

I am running the Flowcode 8.
I want the create an interrupt handling using the zero-cross detection available on PIC16F18855, but I was not able to code it. I appreciate any help to:
1) Enable the interrupt.
2) Set the interrupt handler.

Best regards,

by CamargoF
Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:00 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions
Replies: 2
Views: 5618

warning WS2811 Timings are less than 10 instructions

I am running Flowcode 8 with PIC16F18855 at 32MHz and I don't understand the warning message for RGB LED WS2812B I selected. Besides the RGB LED tape accepted baudrate of 400Kbps or 800Kbps, it cannot be selected on property nor by the firmware algorithm. I believe this error occurs on miscalculatio...
by CamargoF
Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:31 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Property changes requires exit to be effective
Replies: 1
Views: 4319

Property changes requires exit to be effective

Running Flowcode 8 emulator on PIC16F18855 I observed that: 1) Changes on EEPROM InitialValues property does not take effect on emulator. 2) Changes on Switch (Slide,PCB) polarity property does not take effect on emulator. Does not matter if I recompile or not. The only way the change take effect is...
by CamargoF
Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:00 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Missing components
Replies: 2
Views: 2926

Re: Missing components

I din't know about this option.
1363 updates!
by CamargoF
Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:15 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Missing components
Replies: 2
Views: 2926

Missing components

I would like to know how I can get the components back. My INPUT has only Touch Pads (EB088) option. There is no switch or button, nor keyboard matrix. InputProblem.jpg My OUTPUT does not have any single LED option. OutputProblem.jpg All those components were there before. Best regards, Fernando
by CamargoF
Sun May 19, 2019 5:21 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Missing pic8 compiler file
Replies: 21
Views: 14980

Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

I got the same PIC missing compiler after I upgrade the Flowcode few days ago. It looks like there is an error on Matrix batch installation file. Please, check it and release a fix. It is amazing that after almost 1 year the first issue it still happening. I download and used the REPAIR option of th...
by CamargoF
Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:20 pm
Forum: 8-Bit PIC
Topic: Microchip's __EPROM_DATA macro statement
Replies: 13
Views: 14044

Re: Microchip's __EPROM_DATA macro statement

Additional comments: The usage of Initial Value property of EEPROM component does not work properly when you need to initialize an 256-byte EEPROM. On console the EEPROM data has been overwritten many times, destroying the desired initialization. Initialize the EEPROM by code make the coding unneces...
by CamargoF
Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:55 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: EEPROM component improvement
Replies: 1
Views: 2329

EEPROM component improvement

I would like to proposed an improvement on EEPROM module where the initialization should be done on multiple lines with 3 columns: The first column is optional, for an alias label that could be used later on programming. The second column is the EEPROM address, always considering the first EEPROM ad...
by CamargoF
Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:28 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: IO pin as variable
Replies: 5
Views: 4980

Re: IO pin as variable

And what about the properties? If I create a property TXpin = $PORTC.3 and a local bir variable .flag , the compiled code will be the same read an input pin: INPUT BLOCK $PORTC.3 --> .flag CALCULATION BLOCK .flag = TXpin and to write to an output pin: OUTPUT BLOCK .flag --> $PORTC.3 CALCULATION BLOC...
by CamargoF
Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:26 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: IO pin as variable
Replies: 5
Views: 4980

IO pin as variable

Can you please clarify the following doubts about IO in Flowcode? Is it possible to create a macro were the PORT and/or PIN can be provided as parameter? If it is possible, can you please provide some example? I set on panel properties panel few definitions of digital pin to be used on macros. So I ...
by CamargoF
Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:23 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Component for Hx711
Replies: 31
Views: 22671

Re: Component for Hx711

That is the point. I was not able to simulate the Hx711 on Flowcode. The only way I had to test was upload the firmware to Arduino. On the test I sent all Hx711 reading through the serial USB and use the Arduino serial monitor tool to read the measurements. That is the reason I asked for the tutoria...
by CamargoF
Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:08 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino
Replies: 11
Views: 9838

Re: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino

I was missing some tool to help me to see the USB serial port communication when I load the firmware into Arduino. As I was not able to find any tool on Flowcode I installed Arduino to use its Serial Monitor tool, and it worked very well. This tool allowed me to see the transmitted data as well as t...
by CamargoF
Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Component for Hx711
Replies: 31
Views: 22671

Re: Component for Hx711

I did my own implementation and it is working.
I have two prototypes: with 1 Hx711 and with 4 Hx711.

I would like to know if you could create a video explaining how to create the component, complementing the wiki?

It will be nice if you could explain how can I simulate the Hx711 operation.
by CamargoF
Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:36 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino
Replies: 11
Views: 9838

Re: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino

The USB on Arduino Uno R3 is not a true USB, so I have to use the UART, correct?
I will check the console. Best regards.
by CamargoF
Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:50 pm
Forum: Flowcode V8
Topic: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino
Replies: 11
Views: 9838

Re: Debugging the USB Serial port on Arduino

I replaced the USB_Serial by the UART component and I was able to receive the data from USB port. :?
I dislike the solution, but it works.
It looks like there is some problem on USB Serial component that does not transmit anything.