Matrix - Flowcode is not compiling with Kaspersky Antivirus
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Flowcode is not compiling with Kaspersky Antivirus

We have noticed with Kaspersky that it is blocking the compilation of Flowcode. To fix this you will need to add some compiler files to the Kaspersky exception list.


The two files causing issues are:


You will need to add both of these to Threats and exclusions trusted application's
To do that:
1) Open kaspersky antivirus & select settings
2) Select Additional from the left options then select Threats and Exclusions
3) Select Specify trusted applications, then Add from the bottom right.
4) Select Browse from the bottom left, then browse to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc
if 64bit Windows
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc
if 32bit Windows
Select boostc_16f.exe then Open
Select all five boxes:



Then select save.

Add boostc_18f.exe and repeat.



Last update:
2015-05-15 15:24
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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