Matrix - Non-commercial use on Boostc compiler on Flowcode pro - Flowcode v4
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Non-commercial use on Boostc compiler on Flowcode pro - Flowcode v4

Software : Flowcode 4

Symptoms :

Limitations on the compiler even after the program has been registered.

Cause :

The license for Flowcode Professional should allow a 'Pro' license of BoostC. In certain circumstances (e.g. when upgrading), this does not work correctly. This problem may be present when using other licenses also.

Solution :

To fix it, first try recompiling for a second time - this will sort the problem out in most cases.

If the problem persists, you need to alter the following registry key:


Warning altering your registry can lead to serious problems. Only edit your registry if you are absolutley sure you know what you are doing.

Last update:
2015-03-31 17:23
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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