Matrix - Failed to transfer HEX file to PPP [INSTALLDIR] - Flowcode v4 v5
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Failed to transfer HEX file to PPP [INSTALLDIR] - Flowcode v4 v5

Failed to transfer HEX file to PPP

On some computers the programmer location is not filled in by the installer. The exact cause of this is unknown, but is under investigation. However this affects a small number of computers and the fix is very simple.

The error message you may get it this problem occurs is.


This problem will occur when you try and send a program to the chip.

To fix this, all you need to do is navigate to the menu at the top of Flowcode and click on Chip >> Compiler Options.

This will take you to the compiler options where the locations of the compiler/programmer etc are defined. If you are having the above error then your compiler options will look similar to this.

compiler options


***NOTE*** For 64bit computers the default location for Flowcode install is slightly different, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\"

The Red circle shows where the error is occurring, where it says [INSTALLDIR] there should be a file path which is exactly the same as the Green circle.

All you need to do is copy and paste the file path circled in Green, then delete the [INSTALLDIR] part and paste in what was in the Green circle.

This should solve your problem.


Last update:
2015-03-31 16:05
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