Matrix - Return Code 1 - Flowcode v4 v5
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Return Code 1 - Flowcode v4 v5

Software : Flowcode PIC, AVR, ARM, dsPIC

Symptoms :

When running Flowcode on a Windows 7 machine you may get a message stating Return Code 1 when ever you try to compile. This seems to be very common for Flowcode AVR and only very occasional for Flowcode PIC.

Cause :

The problem seems to stem from Windows 7 access rights and seems to be a fundemental problem with the Windows library functionality.
This problem can be seen when you try and save a file and you get a message saying you are not allowed. Then you try saving again and you can save correctly with no error message.

Solution :

To fix the Return Code 1 compilation error then you will have to move the Flowcode project file to a library you have created. My Documents folder is in a library by default so you can use this location if you like. This fixes the problem for most cases.

Flowcode may still occasionally return the return code 1 error on a Windows 7 system but it will now be much less frequent. If this happens then you will need to close and restart Flowcode to allow it to function again.

Last update:
2015-03-31 16:06
Average rating:0 (0 Votes)

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