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Counting Sheep Badly

<^< Set up the Equipment | Course Index | Set up the Flowchart >^>

Counting sheep, badly at first, but without falling asleep!

The plan is straightforward - when a sheep passes through the gate, it interrupts a light beam. This sends a pulse to the counting system, which then adds one to the total stored in the system. We will display this total on the LED Array. (The 7-segment display would be a much better output device. That's a later exercise!)

The plan seems straightforward - but there will be problems!

Note that there is a 'Beam Breaker' component based on the 'Collision Detector', although this will do a far better job, we want to stick to the basics so we will demonstrate the interruption using more basic methods.

<^< Set up the Equipment | Course index | Set up the Flowchart >^>

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Page last modified on August 14, 2013, at 03:49 PM