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Worksheet: CR Discharging

<^< C-R Discharging | Course Index | Passive Wave-shaping Circuits >^>

Objective: To investigate the action of a C-R charging circuit when connected to a d.c. supply.
Underpinning knowledge: Capacitance, charge and voltage. Time constant.
Apparatus: TINA circuit file, or apparatus to make the following circuit.
TINA Circuit File: Click here to download circuit file
Initial Settings: C = 100µF, R = 1MΩ, 10V d.c. Supply.
Requires: Paper, Linear graph paper, pen or pencil.

(a) Change the switch so the capacitor is connected to the discharge resistor. Then start the simulation in transient mode.

(b) Take readings of capacitor voltage every 20s from 0 to 200s and then every 50s from 200s to 400s. At each point, measure and record the capacitor voltage in a table.

(c) Plot a graph showing capacitor voltage, VC, plotted against time, t.

(d) Determine the time constant of the circuit (C x R).


Comment on the shape of the graph. Determine the time taken for the capacitor to fall to 37% of its initial voltage (i.e. 37% of 10V or 3.7V). Confirm that this time is the same as the time constant (C x R) for the circuit.

Further work:

Construct a tangent to your curve of VC plotted against time at t = 0. The line of this tangent should pass through 0V on the voltage scale at a time equal to the time constant (C x R). What can you infer from this?

<^< C-R Discharging | Course index | Passive Wave-shaping Circuits >^>

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