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Passive Wave-shaping Circuits

<^< Worksheet: C-R Discharging | Course Index | Worksheet: Passive Wave-shaping Circuits >^>

Integrating Circuit

Differentiating Circuit

One of the most common applications of C-R networks is in simple filter and waveshaping circuits. The circuits shown function as simple square-to-triangle and square-to-pulse converters by respectively 'integrating' and 'differentiating' their inputs. The effectiveness of the integrator circuit depends very much upon the ratio of time constant (C x R) to periodic time (t). The larger this ratio is, the more effective the circuit will be as an integrator. Similarly, the effectiveness of the simple differentiator circuit also depends on the ratio of time constant (C x R) to periodic time (t). The smaller this ratio is, the more effective the circuit will be as a differentiator.

<^< Worksheet: C-R Discharging | Course index | Worksheet: Passive Wave-shaping Circuits >^>

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Page last modified on July 25, 2011, at 10:32 AM