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Worksheet: Voltage Gain

<^< Voltage Gain | Course Index | Input Resistance >^>

Objective: To investigate the voltage gain of an operational amplifier.
Underpinning knowledge: Operational amplifier symbols and connections.
Apparatus: TINA circuit file, or apparatus to make the following circuit.
TINA Circuit File: Click here to download circuit file
Initial Settings: Vin1 = Vin2 = 0V, R1 = R2 = 100kΩ
Requires: Paper, Linear graph paper, pen or pencil.

(a) Set Vin1 (the voltage at the '+' terminal) and Vin2 (the voltage at the '-' terminal) to 0V

(b) Measure and record the values of Vin1, Vin2 and Vout (using VM1).

(c) Repeat (b) for each of the following conditions:

  • Vin1 = +5mV and Vin2 = 0V
  • Vin1 = 0V and Vin2 = +5mV
  • Vin1 = -5mV and Vin2 = 0V
  • Vin1 = 0V and Vin2 = -5mV
  • Vin1 = +5mV and Vin2 = +5mV
  • Vin1 = -5mV and Vin2 = -5mV


(a) Comment on the results obtained when Vin1 = Vin2 = 0V. Is this what you would have expected?

(b) Comment on the results obtained when Vin1 > Vin2. Is this what you would have expected?

(c) Comment on the results obtained when Vin1 < Vin2. Is this what you would have expected?

(d) What can you say about the internal voltage gain of the operational amplifier?

Further work:

Obtain a set of manufacturers characteristics for a common type of operational amplifier. What value of voltage gain is specified by the manufacturer? (If this is specified in 'dB' convert the value to a ratio). Does this support what you have said in (d)?

<^< Voltage Gain | Course index | Input Resistance >^>

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