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Input Offset Voltage

<^< Output Resistance | Course Index | Inverting Amplifier >^>

An ideal operational amplifier would provide zero output voltage when 0V is applied to its input. In practice, due to imperfect internal balance, there may be some small voltage present at the output even when the input voltage is true 0V. The voltage that must be applied differentially to the operational amplifier input in order to make the output voltage exactly zero is known as the input offset voltage.

Offset voltage may be minimized by applying relatively large amounts of negative feedback or by using the 'offset null' facility provided by a number of operational amplifier devices. Typical values of input offset voltage range from 1mV to 15mV.

Where a.c., rather than direct coupling, is employed offset voltage is not normally a problem and can be ignored.

<^< Output Resistance | Course index | Inverting Amplifier >^>

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Page last modified on July 25, 2011, at 02:09 PM