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Inductor Markings

<^< Preferred Values: Inductors | Course Index | Examples: Inductor Markings >^>

As with capacitors, the vast majority of inductors use written markings to indicate values, working current, and tolerance. The most usual method of marking ferrite cored inductors involves quoting the value (in mH or μH), the tolerance (often either 5% or 10%), and the maximum working current (where appropriate). The marking scheme follows a similar convention to that used with small capacitors: First line: Inductance (in mH or μH) and tolerance (J=5%, K=10%, M=20%). Second line: rated d.c. current (where specified).

A three-digit code is often used to mark small inductors. The first two digits correspond to the first two digits of the value whilst the third digit is a multiplier which gives the number of zeros to be added to give the value in μH.

Some small inductors are marked with coloured stripes to indicate their value and tolerance (the standard colour values are used and inductance is normally expressed in μH).

<^< Preferred Values: Inductors | Course index | Examples: Inductor Markings >^>

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