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<^< Examples: Inductance | Course Index | Electromagnetism >^>

(:video_flv-player Attach:mag_9.flv width=380 height=252 params= startimage= :)

We can demonstrate the force that exists between magnetic poles by suspending an ordinary bar magnet.

If a second bar magnet is held close to the suspended bar magnet so that like magnetic poles are adjacent, the suspended bar magnet will twist away from the other magnet, as shown.

This shows that "like poles repel".

Alternatively, if a second bar magnet is held close to the suspended bar magnet so that unlike magnetic poles are adjacent, then the suspended bar magnet will twist towards the other magnet, as shown.

This shows that "unlike poles attract".

<^< Examples: Inductance | Course index | Electromagnetism >^>

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Page last modified on July 18, 2011, at 08:48 AM