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Examples: Magnetism

<^< Magnetic Field Strength | Course Index | Electrical Circuits >^>

Example 1:

A flux density of 2.5mT is developed in free space over an area of 20cm2.

Determine the total flux present.

Re-arranging the formula B = Φ/A to make Φ the subject gives:

Φ = B A thus Φ = 2.5 x 10-3 x 20 x 10-4 = 0.5 x 10-6 Wb

Example 2:

A solenoid comprises 1,000 turns of wire. If the mean length of the magnetic circuit is 0.05m determine the current that must be supplied to the solenoid in order to produce a magnetic field intensity of 200 A/m.

Since H = N x I / L , I = H x L / N

Thus I = 200 x 0.05/1,000 = 10/1,000 = 10mA

<^< Magnetic Field Strength | Course index | Electrical Circuits >^>

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Page last modified on August 15, 2011, at 02:07 PM