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<^< Voltage and Current | Course Index | Ohm's Law >^>

For any conductor, the current flowing is directly proportional to the e.m.f. applied. The current flowing will also be dependent on the physical dimensions (length and cross-sectional area) and material of which the conductor is composed. The amount of current that will flow in a conductor when a given e.m.f. is applied is inversely proportional to its resistance. Resistance, therefore, may be thought of as an opposition to current flow; the higher the resistance the lower the current that will flow (assuming that the applied e.m.f. remains constant).

Picture of a circuit with high resistance
High resistance, low current
Picture of a circuit with medium resistance
Mid resistance, mid current
Picture of a circuit with low resistance
Low resistance, high current
High Resistance
Mid Resistance
Low Resistance

<^< Voltage and Current | Course index | Ohm's Law >^>

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Page last modified on July 21, 2011, at 02:08 PM