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Lamps in Series

<^< Basic Lamp Circuit | Course Index | Lamps in Parallel >^>

In the series connected circuit, two 3V 3W lamps are connected in series in order to consume a total power of 6W from the 6V supply. Once again, the current flowing in each lamp can be calculated from:

I = P/V = 3W/3V = 1A

Note that the same current (i.e. 1A) flows in each lamp.

Applying Ohm's Law to determine the working resistance of each lamp (i.e. the resistance when illuminated) gives:

R = V/I = 3V/1A = 3Ω

The effective resistance of the circuit must be 6Ω (i.e. 3Ω + 3Ω).

<^< Basic Lamp Circuit | Course index | Lamps in Parallel >^>

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Page last modified on July 21, 2011, at 02:44 PM