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Basic Lamp Circuit

<^< Electrical Circuits | Course Index | Lamps in Series >^>

In the basic battery and lamp circuit, the battery provides an electromotive force (e.m.f.) and this causes a current to flow in the lamp. The battery has an e.m.f. of 6V and the lamp is rated at 6V, 6W. The current flowing in the lamp can be calculated from:

I = P/V = 6W/6V = 1A

Applying Ohm's Law to determine the working resistance of the lamp (i.e. the resistance when illuminated) gives:

R = V/I = 6V/1A = 6Ω

<^< Electrical Circuits | Course index | Lamps in Series >^>

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Page last modified on August 15, 2011, at 02:10 PM