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Written Questions: Fundamentals

<^< Multiple Choice Quiz: Fundamentals | Course Index | Assignment: Fundamentals >^>

The section below contains a list of written questions. These can be printed out for your own use.

1. Complete the following table of fundamental units:

current A
candela cd
mass kg
temperaturedegree Kelvin 
time s
matter mol

2. Express each of the following derived units in terms of the seven fundamental units:
(a) Charge in Coulomb, C
(b) Frequency in Hertz, Hz
(c) Potential in Volt, V
(d) Power in Watt, W
(e) Resistance in Ohm, Ω.

3. State and define the units of (a) electrical potential and (b) electric current.

4. Complete the following table of multiples and sub-multiples:

micro 0.000001

5. Convert each of the following:

(a) 0.657 MHz to kHz
(b) 0.0115 V to mV
(c) 42,500 Ω to kΩ
(d) 0.825 MΩ to kΩ
(e) 3,750 µH to µH
(f) 15,000 pF to nF
(g) 315° to radians
(h) 1.25 radians to °

6. State Ohm's Law.

7. A current of 15 mA flows in a resistor of 470 Ω. What voltage drop will appear across the resistor?

8. A current of 50 mA flows in a resistor when connected to a 9 V supply. What is the value of the resistance?

9. A 9 V battery supplies a current of 300 mA. What power is supplied by the battery?

10. A resistor is rated at 100 Ω, 0.4 W. What is the maximum current and voltage that can safely be applied to this resistor?

11. Complete the following sentences:

(a) "Magnetic field lines may be constructed by following the path of a ___________________ moving within the field".

(b) "Electric field lines may be constructed by following the path of a ___________________ moving within the field".

12. A sinusoidal alternating voltage has a peak value of 25 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. Sketch a graph showing TWO cycles of the waveform and label the axes of voltage and time indicating values in each case.

13. Explain what is meant by: (a) capacitance and (b) inductance.

14. A current changes from 100 mA to 200 mA in a time interval of 10 ms. What voltage will be induced in a 1.5 H inductor when this current is applied to it?

15. A voltage changes from 10 V to 50 V in a time interval of 0.02 s. What current will be flow in a 10µF capacitor when this voltage is applied to it?

<^< Multiple Choice Quiz: Fundamentals | Course index | Assignment: Fundamentals >^>

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