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Multiple Choice Quiz: Active Circuits

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Question 1:

When triggered by a negative pulse, the circuit shown produces:

(a) a single rectangular pulse with duration determined by R1 and C1
(b) a single rectangular pulse with duration determined by R2 and C2
(c) a series of rectangular pulses with duration determined by R2 and C2

Answer: B

Question 2:

Which one of the waveforms shows a typical waveform for the base-emitter voltage of an NPN transistor used in a simple common-emitter amplifier circuit operating from a 10V supply?

(a) Waveform (a) (b) Waveform (b) (c) Waveform (c)

Answer: C

Question 3:

In the circuit shown, which component provides DC isolation at the output?

(a) C1 (b) C2 (c) R2

Answer: B

Question 4:

The figure shows a simple DC power supply. Which one of the following gives the approximate output voltage with no load connected?

(a) 6V
(b) 12V
(c) 17V

Answer: C

Question 5:

In the circuit shown, which components act as a filter to improve smoothing?

(a) T1 and D1
(b) C1 and R1
(c) R1 and C2

Answer: C

Question 6:

In the circuit shown, IC1 is a 555 timer connected in:

(a) astable mode
(b) bistable mode
(c) monostable mode

Answer: C

Question 7:

The amplitude of the pulse generated by the circuit shown will be:

(a) about 12V
(b) exactly 6V
(c) the same as the trigger input

Answer: A

Question 8:

In the circuit shown, which one of the following gives the voltage gain?

(a) R2 - R1
(b) - R2/R1
(c) 1 + (R2/R1)

Answer: B

Question 9:

In the circuit shown, the feature 'X' is:

(a) the inverting input
(b) the non-inverting input
(c) the positive supply input

Answer: B

Question 10:

Which one of the following gives the voltage gain of the circuit shown?

(a) 2 (inverting)
(b) 3 (inverting)
(c) 30 (inverting)

Answer: A

Question 11:

In the circuit shown, which one of the following gives the voltage gain?

(a) R1 - R2
(b) R2/R1
(c) 1 + (R2/R1)

Answer: C

Question 12:

In the power supply circuit shown:

(a) D1 to D4 form a half-wave rectifier
(b) D1 to D4 form a bridge rectifier
(c) D1 to D4 form a diode stabilizer

Answer: B

Question 13:

In the circuit shown, the feature 'X' is:

(a) the inverting input
(b) the non-inverting input
(c) the negative supply input

Answer: A

Question 14:

In the circuit shown, if VIN = 1.5V, which one of the following gives VOUT?

(a) -3V
(b) 3V
(c) 4.5V

Answer: A

Question 15:

Which one of the waveforms shows a typical waveform for the collector-emitter voltage of an NPN transistor used in a simple common-emitter amplifier circuit operating from a 10V supply?

(a) Waveform (a)
(b) Waveform (b)
(c) Waveform (c)

Answer: A

Question 16:

In the circuit shown, the output voltage will consist of:

(a) a steady DC voltage of about 12V
(b) a steady DC voltage of about 17V
(c) a series of half-cycle pulses

Answer: C

Question 17:

The figure shows a simple DC power supply. Which one of the following gives the approximate output voltage with no load connected?

(a) 4.5V
(b) 9V
(c) 11.5V

Answer: C

Question 18:

The device shown is:

(a) a timer
(b) a logic gate
(c) an operational amplifier

Answer: C

Question 19:

The circuit shows a power supply based on a:

(a) half-wave rectifier
(b) full-wave rectifier
(c) bridge rectifier

Answer: A

Question 20:

The figure shows a simple DC power supply. Which one of the following gives the approximate output voltage with no load connected?

(a) 4.5V
(b) 9V
(c) 11.5V

Answer: C

Question 21:

In the circuit shown, which component provides base bias current?

(a) C1
(b) R1
(c) R2

Answer: B

Question 22:

Which one of the waveforms shows a typical waveform for the base-emitter voltage of an NPN transistor used in a simple common-emitter amplifier circuit operating from a 10V supply?

(a) Waveform (a)
(b) Waveform (b)
(c) Waveform (c)

Answer: C

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