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Waveforms and Signals

<^< Alternating Voltage and Current | Course Index | Amplitude and Frequency >^>

The shape of a signal's waveform determines its quality. The most fundamental waveform is a sine wave. This is often referred to as a pure tone. Other waves are rich in harmonics and these give them their own particular quality. In addition, signals can be modulated. This is the name given to a process whereby one wave is used to vary the properties of another. With amplitude modulation, AM, a low frequency signal is used to vary the amplitude of another signal at a much higher frequency. With frequency modulation, FM, a low frequency signal is used to vary the frequency of another signal at a much higher frequency. The virtual laboratory will let you see a few types of common waveforms.

Diagram of a sinewave
Sine waveform
Diagram of an amwave
AM waveform
Diagram of a fmwave
FM waveform
Sine waveform
AM waveform
FM waveform

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Page last modified on August 01, 2011, at 09:56 AM