Flowcode 8 Vlog 7: Programming chipKIT uC32 with PWM

This is the second in a series which shows how to use Flowcode to program commonly-found hardware. In our last blog post, we discussed using the PICkit3 with Flowcode 8 to target almost any PIC microcontroller. Today, we discuss targeting the chipKIT uC32. This is a PCB housing a PIC microcontroller, designed to mimic the Arduino form-factor and work with Arduino peripherals. As such, it’s a very popular piece of hardware among enthusiasts.

The chipKIT uc32 from Digilent


In this video, Ben and Daniel show how easy it is to program the chipKIT uC32 using Flowcode 8, and how to achieve PWM (pulse-width modulation): a technique which allows us to mimic the behaviour of an analog signal even when limited by digital pins.


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