gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

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gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

I use Adafruit gLCD monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED and Flowcode 6.
It is driven with SPI communication, GLCD (SSD1306) Buffered FlowCode component and works fine.
I would like to print the Celsius degree symbol on the OLED.
I have read next topic:
viewtopic.php?f=29&t=8609&p=25804&hilit ... bol#p25804

Here is the print screen with the gLCD component properties:
gLCD Properties.jpg
gLCD SSD1306 Properties
(349.06 KiB) Downloaded 1466 times
I cannot find the path to “Go into the properties of the gLCD component and tick to use the custom font”.
Any suggestions?

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by Benj »


Here are some steps to do a similar workaround in Flowcode 6.

Click on View -> Component Debugger.

Tick the tickbox -> Expose full component tree in property pane.

Close the component debugger window.

On the properties window click the drop down right at the top of the window to give you a full list of components on your panel and all the bits that go inside each component.

Inside the graphical LCD component is a set of LUT (look up table) components named ASCII0 - ASCII7, these contain the string pixel data for each character.

Each ASCII character takes 5 bytes and ASCII0 starts from the space character or decimal 32. Each LUT contains 12 characters.

Here is a full list of the ASCII characters.

ASCII0 = Space - '+'
ASCII1 = ',' - '7'
ASCII2 = '8' - 'C'

Pick a character you don't want and override the ROM LUT component data and this should update both the embedded download and the simulation.

Let me know how your getting on.

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

I do not have that option "Tick the tickbox -> Expose full component tree in property pane."
I use FlowCode
Here is a screenshot with the Component Debugger:
Component Debugger.jpg
Component Debugger
(440.59 KiB) Downloaded 1453 times

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

OK, I found it. I should have made the Component Debugger windows larger:
Component Debugger_BIG.jpg
Component Debugger BIG
(385.7 KiB) Downloaded 1451 times
I will let you know about the evolution of printing the degree symbol.

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

Here are the steps that I followed.
1) Click on the right upper arrow on the Properties window:
(438.6 KiB) Downloaded 1447 times
2) I got the ASCII tables:
(375.16 KiB) Downloaded 1447 times
3) Select ASCII0 LUT:
(353.49 KiB) Downloaded 1447 times

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

4) I got the ASCII0 LUT window with codes for ASCII decimal 32 to 43 corresponding to characters "Space" to "+"
(359.85 KiB) Downloaded 1446 times
I decided to replace the character number 35, which is #. I want ° instead of #. The character # with number 35 decimal is ASCII table is the 4th sequence of 5bytes in ASCII0 LUT.

5) I copied the ASCII0 LUT in Word to see it better:
5.jpg (109.68 KiB) Viewed 7837 times
6) I arranged it in 5 bytes per line to see and understand the 12 characters from ASCII0:
6.jpg (128.18 KiB) Viewed 7837 times
Last edited by viki2000 on Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

7) I replaced the 4th character corresponding to # ASCII decimal 35 with the code "0609090600" that you provided on the next topic:
viewtopic.php?f=29&t=8609&p=25804&hilit ... bol#p25804
of course this time written like this: 0x06,0x09,0x09,0x06,0x00,
7.jpg (138.93 KiB) Viewed 7837 times
8 ) Because Word plays with formatting, I tried also Notepad:
(98.08 KiB) Downloaded 1446 times
Finally I saved the file, compiled and programmed.
It worked for me, but there is one problem.
The display shows now big characters, big fonts.
If before at gLCD Properties I could choose for Font 0, 1, 2 or 3, now with Font set to 0 I got on OLED the size for Font 3.
That is not nice.
I tried to set back the # character and the OLED displays the same big Font 3 even if it is set Font 0.
Any ideas what happens?

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Re: gLCD - Celsius degree symbol

Post by viki2000 »

Finally I sort it out.
It works just fine also with small Font 0.
I think was a problem due to my copy/paste between FlowCode ASCII0 LUT and Word/Notepad.
I tried one more time from scratch and I replaced/edit inside the FlowCode ASCII0 LUT the 5bytes. It is hard there inline because is easy to lose the reference when the 5bytes start.
But now is working fine for me.
I hope the screenshots above are also a good guide for other users.

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